Copyright FAQs

The links below provide you with general information about the Canadian Copyright Act and how it affects your work within the University. In addition to these FAQs, and for more detailed information on specific topics, please see the links along the top navigation bar. The Copyright Office also provides direct support and assistance on copyright issues. Please don’t hesitate to contact us or attend one of our workshops.

  1. Basics
    General copyright information, including what it covers, how long it lasts, how you get permission to use someone’s copyrighted material and how it works internationally.
  2. Instructors 
    Information for instructors on using other people’s copyrighted material in the physical and digital classroom, including UBC learning management systems (e.g. Canvas, Entrada, Connect, MEDICOL) and library online course reserves.
  3. Staff
    Information for administrative and technical staff on remaining copyright compliant in the course of their work-related duties and responsibilities.
  4. Students
    Information for students on using other people’s copyrighted material in the context of scholarly research and publication.


Text for many of the above FAQs was originally adapted from Waterloo Copyright FAQ by University of Waterloo, licenced under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 2.5 CA Licence and University of Saskatchewan Copyright by the University of Saskatchewan, licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Licence. UBC’s FAQs are licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 Licence with permission from the University of Saskatchewan.